By assuming that normal learning in a year is a relatively high in primary schools at 0.40 standard deviations (SD), but lower at 0.30 SD in secondary schools, losses in the Western Cape Systemic THE 80% THAT COULD Tests expressed in standard deviations are as follows: 0.39 SD in NOT READ FOR MEANING IN THE PIRLS TESTS IN Grade 6 Mathematics, 0.32 SD in Grade 9 Mathematics, and 0.27 2016 COULD RIS. [...] Assuming the same learning loss in Grade 6 Mathematics performance in the Western Cape occurred in all of South Africa, then if applied at the Grade 5 level, the proportion not reaching the low international benchmark of 400 points in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study at the Grade 5 level (TIMSS-N) would rise from 64% to 76% (Van der Berg et al. [...] In North West province, in a sample of 202 schools, in the second year of the pandemic 37% of school days were lost in earlier grades (largely due to continued rotational schedules) after losing more than half of a normal school year in 2020. [...] y In a normal year, a sample of Grade 2 Eastern Cape learners on average read an additional 13 words correctly in a minute in isiXhosa at the end of the year compared to the start of the school year. [...] Historically high repetition rates in Grade 1 (18% in the Eastern Cape and 12% in Gauteng in 2016) had declined to pre-pandemic Grade 2 repetition levels (12% in the Eastern Cape and 9% in Gauteng in 2016) by the end 2021.
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- Pages
- 40
- Published in
- South Africa