SDC 9/5/7: Review of the Guidelines for the Reduction Of Underwater Noise and Identification of Next


SDC 9/5/7: Review of the Guidelines for the Reduction Of Underwater Noise and Identification of Next

15 Dec 2022

The co-sponsors of this document wish to acknowledge and thank Canada for its dedicated and effective coordination of the CG and would like to commend the delegations that participated in the CG for advancing a significant body of work. [...] 6 The proposed work plan includes engagement with other committees of the Organization to provide input on the revision of the Guidelines, development of next steps and a programme of action (SDC 8/18, paragraph 14.22). [...] 8 The SDC 8 Working Group on the Review of the Guidelines identified barriers to the uptake and implementation of the Guidelines (SDC 8/WP.8, paragraph 20) and was requested to evaluate a suite of options or solutions to overcome these barriers, noting that these solutions shall inform the development of the proposal for a programme of action (SDC 8/18, paragraph 14.18.4). [...] As such, the co-sponsors urge thorough consideration of document SDC 9/5/3, paragraph 9, submitted by the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC), that requests the Sub-Committee to consider an annex to the guidelines related to operations in the Arctic and further consider the development of mandatory measures to ensure noise levels in Inuit Nunaat, and globally, are significantly reduced. [...] I:\SDC\9\SDC 9-5-7.docx SDC 9/5/7 Page 5 Action requested of the Sub-Committee 17 The co-sponsors urge the Sub-Committee to support the strategy and work plan proposed by Canada in SDC 9/5/1, and the additional elements and considerations expressed in this document in paragraphs 5-.


Irene Waite
