All Azimuth V12, N1, 2023, 61-84


All Azimuth V12, N1, 2023, 61-84

23 Jan 2023

The field orientations and organization of the IR discipline in a given country may be understood by studying the leading journals of the field in that country. [...] Bibliometric methods are increasingly being used in the study of various aspects of science, in the way institutions and universities are assessed internationally, and in journal and author rankings.21 Bibliometrics is, in essence, the measurement of scientific indices such as citation, publication, authorship, and so on. [...] It is possible to evaluate the evolution of any scientific literature by restricting it to a set period of time and by depending on a number of characteristics such as the most frequently used keywords, the most cited articles, author relationships, author nation, and author institution.25 In brief, bibliometric analysis is known as the statistical classification and assessment of contents of bibl. [...] The premise is that the more terms that are used in the abstracts and keywords by different articles, the more similar they are in terms of topic. [...] Figure 14: Trends in Topics per Year The same experiment may be done with article titles, the results of which are shown in the following figure, in which we see the most frequently used bigrams in the titles of the papers published by our three journals.
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