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18 Jan 2023

OBJECTIVE The primary function of scoping also referred to as setting the Terms of Reference of an EIA, is to establish the environmental priorities and to set the boundaries for the study. [...] The selection of scoping tools largely depends on the size of the project and the existing environmental and social characteristics of the project area. [...] Impacts of the project on water availability and quality of ground and surface water resources – if the project discharges its effluents into surface water bodies such as rivers, then the impact of this discharge on the quality of the receiving medium and its aquatic life 4. [...] Mitigation and Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) The ESMP should discuss the mitigation measures to be taken against each impact, the timeline for completion, the responsible departments for implementation, the budget, post- monitoring provisions and the process of reporting to the concerned regulatory authority. [...] Please refer the First Schedule of the Regulations for a complete list of projects under the aforesaid categories] Categorization Item number of the Type of projects of project First Schedule of 2018 Regulations ‘A’ ITEM NO.
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