cover image: Annexes for the report Funding and undertaking research during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic


Annexes for the report Funding and undertaking research during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic

17 Jan 2023

As part of the ongoing efforts by COVID CIRCLE to enhance the effectiveness and coherence of the global research response to the pandemic, this analysis makes use of the April 2022 version of the tracker to understand how the research response has evolved in the two years since the launch of the tracker, thereby providing key insights to funders that may be used to inform the next phase of the res. [...] WHO PRIORITY AREAS When comparing the portfolio of LMIC-focused projects on the tracker (2,910 projects) to the rest of the database (13,443 projects), in terms of the priority areas outlined in the WHO Research Roadmap, it can be seen from Figure 1 that, though the distribution of the LMIC- focused projects across the priority areas largely reflect that of the rest of the (non-LMIC- focused) port. [...] Although the proportion of these projects based in Europe was roughly in line with the rest of the database, the proportion based in North America was a lot lower, and in turn the proportion based in Africa and Asia were disproportionate to the rest of the database: 18 and 17% compared to 7 and 8% of the database, respectively. [...] 49 Annexes for the report: COVID CIRCLE lessons for funders This lack of similarity is again apparent upon analysis of the known value of the projects in the UKCDR and all other funders data subsets that address the UN Pillars – with three of the pillars exceeding a 10-percentage point difference in terms of how the overall value of the UKCDR and all other funders UN portfolios are respectively di. [...] In terms of the funding amounts for these projects more generally, the three months where the known value of the LMIC-focused projects was greatest for the GloPID-R member portion of the database occurred within the first seven months of COVID-19 being declared a pandemic by the WHO in March 2020.



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