cover image: International Journal of Water Management and Diplomacy


International Journal of Water Management and Diplomacy

28 Jan 2023

Therefore, the events that are taking place demand attention, and there is a need to provide some reflections and critical insights on the socio-economic and political risks that arise when characterizing the scope of the refugee crisis and the impacts of climate change as a catalyst on the underlying conflict divisions (Rajmil and others, 2022). [...] Three main concerns, including the withdrawal of the USA and its allies, the Taliban seizing power, and the current humanitarian and economic catastrophe, made Afghanistan the focus of media attention in the previous year (2021) (Barlas, 2022). [...] By assessing the health of the vegetation and the impact of temperature on plant conditions, the Annual Weighted Mean Vegetation Health Index (Weighted Mean VHI) enables the user to evaluate the overall severity of drought for a whole growth period. [...] Therefore, the situation of regional water resources and interstate multilateral cooperation will be significantly impacted in the short and long terms by the absence of transboundary water agreements and institutions between Afghanistan and its surrounding nations (Nori, 2020). [...] Since the fall of the Taliban, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA)has been actively trying to resume its hydraulic mission that was put on hold in the late 1970s (Thomas and others, 2016).



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