A Review of Planning System in Bhutan - With reference to election cycle, development partners’


A Review of Planning System in Bhutan - With reference to election cycle, development partners’

1 Feb 2023

While the five-year planning system served its purpose, since the introduction of democratic constitutional monarchy in 2008, the system has not been able to cope with the evolving needs of both the new form of governance cycle and the every changing needs of the economy and citizens. [...] Hence, for the purpose of the study, the strategic plan documents of selected Development Partners were reviewed to study the alignment of their plans with the country¶VWK)<3$GGLWLRQDOSULPDU\GDWDRQGHYHORSPHQWSDUWQHU¶V plan duration collected from the Gross National Happiness Commission of Bhutan were analysed. [...] After the end of the period, the Country- based ODA Task Force, composed of the Embassy of Japan and the JICA office in each recipient country, meet and formulate the country assistance program for the next period. [...] The bilateral assistance of the Austria government is being carried out by the Austria Development Cooperation (ADC) based on the Agreement between the Austrian Federal Government and the RGoB on Technical Cooperation.9 The three-year programme on Austrian Development Policy sets out the overall aims comprising the recipient country strategies and area of focus - replenishing the programme every t. [...] Though the alignment has benefitted the country in large, different development partners plan their strategies mostly after the finalization of the FYP, while some donors like the World Bank Group19 plans in the middle RIWKHFRXQWU\¶V)<3This might have caused the country to lose the opportunity or lengthen the duration for the development partner aid commitment for a project.


Sangay Chophel

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