cover image: june 9th 2021 Community-of-practice-Meeting-Minutes


june 9th 2021 Community-of-practice-Meeting-Minutes

18 Sep 2021

- The end goal of the group would be multi-year funding from the government for community and co-op development. [...] • Learning Partners, Melanie Conn and Tara Williams - This business concept is already functioning, run by volunteers, and now the group would like to convert to the co-op model. [...] - Worker members are the most motivated, and the recommendation is to use their existing network and build out services to include training for bike skills, etc. [...] b) System Development Task Force - The group is beginning to build out systems and resources, including the process around referrals and the framework around mentorship. [...] - The Task Force will be looking at a high level - what is it exactly we need to develop, the work that would go into it, and maybe hiring out someone to develop it.
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