POLICY BRIEF – No. 01/2023 - Building Resilience? The Cybersecurity, Economic


POLICY BRIEF – No. 01/2023 - Building Resilience? The Cybersecurity, Economic

1 Mar 2023

In the case of the CLOUD Act, the question may well turn on corporate structure and the choices of customers 5  SecNumCloud mandates the CSP to be headquartered in the EU. [...] The free cross-border flow of data supports EU businesses’ intra-EU as well as global supply chains and the cost-efficient management of international production processes.16 Statistics demonstrate that data is especially important in the context of the Transatlantic economy: over the past 15 years, the balance of trade between the EU and the US has shifted to services, especially digital services. [...] However, the effective and efficient functioning of data processing, and the development of the data economy in the Union, are hampered, in particular, by two types of obstacles to data mobility and to the internal market: data localisation requirements put in place by Member States’ authorities and vendor lock-in practices in the private sector.“ (recital 2 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1807) “The free. [...] Accordingly, based on Articles 4 and 52 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), national security is the sole responsibility of each Member State and covers the investigation, detection, and prosecution of criminal offences as well as the functioning of institutions and essential public services. [...] In addition, the growth and emergence of new technologies and business models, such as IoT in the energy and healthcare sectors and autonomous driving in the transport sector, could in the future lead to an expansion of the list of critical sectors.
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