cover image: Sustainable Food Systems Partnership for People, Planet and Climate


Sustainable Food Systems Partnership for People, Planet and Climate

3 Mar 2023

The ambition of the P-SFS is to collectively develop and implement an EU-wide committed research and innovation (R&I) partnership which accelerates the transition towards diets that are healthy, safe and sustainably produced and consumed in resilient EU and global food systems. [...] The public awareness, attitudes, trust and acceptance of the need to shift towards SFS is another important challenge, often related to the food environment and the need for (communicating and educating) insights from social sciences and humanities. [...] 22 6.2 R&I Area 2 ‘Change the way we process and supply food’ Subtitle: Supply- and demand-side research and innovation topics reorienting the activities in post-farming and -fishing part of food systems to support sustainable diets Status The P-SFS focuses on post-farming and -fishing part of food systems, hence on processing and supply food, since other Partnerships target pre-harvest in green a. [...] Re-localisation and adapted logistic schemes will result in re-scaling of processes and alternative (short and long) supply and demand chains, including at the urban-rural/coastal interfaces This also concerns cascading methods for locally and safety transforming main and co-products into food and feed, and other bio-based products (in pharma, cosmetics, biomaterials, and bioenergy; with the Partn. [...] tasteful alternative-protein-based) and smaller-scale, mobile, mild and targeted technologies can impact current FS (including resource, water and energy efficiency)? What does this imply for rebalancing and co-existing local, regional and global chains and engaged actors, for the scalability of FS and the understanding of scaling principles in general? How can they connect developed and developin.


Niels Halberg

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