Simon Reid-Henry et al. - Country Contributions to Global Public Goods for Health, PRIO Paper

Simon Reid-Henry et al. - Country Contributions to Global Public Goods for Health, PRIO Paper

14 Mar 2023

The first relates to how the allocation of funding across the different pathways impacts the vol- ume and function of the funding available for the delivery of GPGHs. [...] Given that increasing the volume of funding channeled through TMCs can only be accomplished through a complex and delicate intergovernmental process (such as the recent initiative to increase core contributions to the WHO), the scope for shifting the needle on the volume of global and public funding for GPGHs lies within the VMC pathway. [...] ACT-A remained a volun- tary multilateral mechanism and, despite the attempt to appeal to a broader range of coun- tries, the portfolio of countries who actually contributed was much more like the typical funding patterns to the Global Fund and Gavi rather than the TMC-like contributions to the UN. [...] The poten- tial of efficiency arguments to support the case for multilateral investments, therefore, rests on the degree to which the multilateral system can demonstrate to domestic actors that it is able to deliver, and the degree to which this is clearly understood and articulated within the domestic context. [...] The G7: the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Canada and the European Union (usually represented by the European Commission).54 The G7 countries plus the European Union are the global economic powerhouses of the world and the major global funders of health, education, and climate change initiatives.

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