Population & Societies - An overview of Türkiye’s population on the 100th anniversary


Population & Societies - An overview of Türkiye’s population on the 100th anniversary

10 Mar 2023

Population and age structure The first census of the modern Republic in 1927 reflected the situation of the population after the War of Independence (in Population in millions 1922), with high fertility and mortality rates, and a shortage 110 Census/registration Projections of young men. [...] The population growth rate, 9.5% of the population now above the age of 65, population which peaked in the 1950s at 2.8% per year, had declined to ageing has recently been mentioned as a concern in several 1.3% by 2021.(1) Under the main scenario of the official popu- official policy documents. [...] The economic constraints of this era took The Population Planning law of 1965 legalized all types of their toll on the population in the form of poverty and food contraception (excluding sterilization) and allowed abortions scarcity. [...] An agreement between the law.(4) Towards the end of the 20th century, mainly between 1986 European Union and Türkiye was signed in 2016, whereby all and 1995, the conflict between the Turkish State and the Kurdish irregular migrants crossing from Türkiye to the Greek islands separatist movement led to mass population displacement, main- are returned to Türkiye. [...] Since its foundation, the country’s economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and high population has grown from 13.5 million in the first census unemployment rates among the young population pose in 1927 to 84.7 million in 2021.
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