Determinants of Cottage and Small Industries Growth in Thimphu Thromde


Determinants of Cottage and Small Industries Growth in Thimphu Thromde

22 Mar 2023

Microsoft Word - JBS 46.docx Determinants of Cottage and Small Industries Growth in Thimphu Thromde* Tashi Norbu**, Tendri Gyeltshen***, and Phuntsho Drukpa**** Abstract The main purpose of this study was to investigate the determinants of the growth of Cottage and Small Industry (CSI) under Thimphu Thromde. [...] In low- income countries, the sector’s contribution exceeds 60% of GDP and 70% of the total employment, whereas in middle- income countries, it encompasses more than 95% of the total 90 Determinants of Cottage and Small Industries Growth employment and approximately 70% of GDP (Abdissa & Fitwi, 2016). [...] Against this backdrop, the main goal of this study was to investigate the determinants of the CSI growth in the context of Bhutan, specifically in relation to Thimphu Thromde. [...] For infrastructure development, the RGoB has launched a number of projects in different dzongkhags, including the re-modeling of the service centre, renovation of units, and the establishment of a crèche in Thimphu, the establishment of CSI estate in Tsirang, and the establishment of a startup center in Samtse dzongkhag (MoEA, 2021). [...] The mean age of the respondents was 36 years (SD=7.9) and majority (48.4%) of the them belonged to the age range of 31-40 years.
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