2013 -2014 2013


2013 -2014 2013

5 Mar 2014

The occasion was re-lived when we had the privilege and honour of the visit of the Emperor and Empress of Japan to the Centre on 3 December 2013. [...] 6 The magnificent Celso Espejo Rondalia Ensemble from the Philippines performed on the last evening with Rondalla Ensemble: Songs and Traditional Folk Dance, a collaboration with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, Philippines and the Embassy of the Philippines. [...] It attempted to signify how, with the onset of globalisation and the evident failure of capitalism, the need of the hour is not the abandonment of religion, but its reinterpretation, rearticulation and renewal of the roots and the concept of religion. [...] Bhatt’s second talk was on ‘Purva Mimansa’, the philosophy of which is to explain the true meaning of the Purva, or the earlier portion of the Vedas, the karma-kanda. [...] Agrawal illustrated the region, the main rivers Doda and Lingti, the monasteries which, today, are in need of the protection and support of the government.
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