2022 Yearbook


2022 Yearbook

7 Mar 2023

To ignite action and challenge the status quo to create healthier, In an 8 80 community every resident has the right to accessible, high quality, and dynamic more equitable, and parks and public spaces. [...] We will spark new We will expand the adoption ideas, innovate, and of the 8 80 Neighbourhood Eliminate all forms Explore, develop, demonstrate change to Diagnostic Tool and 8 of discrimination and foster reciprocal accelerate action to build 80 Cities' programs and within the partnerships that amplify stronger, resilient and services to enable GTHA organization the mission and vision sustainable c. [...] set of 8 80 spatial audit tools, this study led to the creation of a comprehensive case study in neighbourhood walkability through the eyes of an 8 and 80 year old, along with a Project Highlights neighbourhood toolkit to allow communities of all shapes and sizes the ability to assess and measure how 8 80 friendly their In the weekend, we found Before the transformation, We hosted eight weeks of c. [...] The engagements focus on creating space for conversation, dialogue, 8 80 Cities and the City of Kitchener came together to launch the first-ever and idea generation on equitable and culturally pop-up park in downtown Kitchener to build excitement and engage diverse responsive placemaking opportunities. [...] The Toolkit of Canada, the University of Waterloo, and the proves that Toronto’s parks and public spaces have University of Alberta’s Housing for Health team.
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