Electronic Ballot Return - Is Dangerously Insecure - What is “electronic ballot return”?


Electronic Ballot Return - Is Dangerously Insecure - What is “electronic ballot return”?

10 Apr 2023

Electronic Ballot Return Is Dangerously Insecure What is “electronic ballot return”? “Electronic ballot return” is another term for “internet voting”, and means returning a voted ballot over the internet electronically — including via mobile apps, email, fax, or a website portal. [...] This combination of privacy and security is impossible with current internet voting technology.1 Internet voting compromises a voter ’s right to a secret ballot2 when votes are transmitted together with a voter ’s identifying information. [...] Is internet voting secure? Expanding insecure technology like internet voting makes election results less trustworthy — at a time when having secure and verifiable elections is more important than ever. [...] elections easy targets for attackers who seek to change election outcomes or sow distrust in our democracy.3 Four federal agencies — including the Department of Homeland Security — concluded in a risk assessment that electronic ballot return “creates significant security risks to the confidentiality of ballot and voter data (e.g., voter privacy and ballot secrecy), integrity of the voted ballot, a. [...] Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Institute of Standards and Technology and the U.
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