cover image: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) in Canada : focus on relationships / John Freeman, Matthew King, William Pickett.

Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) in Canada : focus on relationships / John Freeman, Matthew King, William Pickett.


The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study is a continuing cross-national research project conducted in collaboration with the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. Its aim is to contribute new knowledge about health, well-being, and associated behaviours among young people aged 11-15 years. In 2014, the 7th cycle of HBSC in Canada, the student survey was administered to 29,784 young people in 377 Canadian schools. The 2014 Report differs from the previous 2010 Report in three significant respects. First, unlike the previous report, in which no young people from New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island participated, this survey includes data from all 10 Canadian provinces and all three Canadian territories. Second, this report includes information about a broader range of topics, such as sleep health, spiritual health, use of social media, and chronic conditions. Finally, whereas the previous report focused on mental health, the 2014 Report uses support from contexts (home, school, peers, and community) as its lens to answer the question: Do relationships matter? Issued also in French under title: Comportements de santé des jeunes d’âge scolaire au Canada, un accent sur les relations. The catalogue number (HP35-65/2016E) for the print edition has been copied in this electronic publication. Includes bibliographical references. Issued also in printed form. viii, 194 p. : fig., graphs, tables, photographs
health children adolescents interpersonal relations


Freeman, John G.(John Gregory),1956-Pickett, William,1962-King, Matthew A.

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Catalogue Number
Public Health Agency of Canada.
Departmental Catalogue Number
Publication Number: 150150
Published in
© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Public Health Agency of Canada, 2016.
Government of Canada
Children Adolescents Health Interpersonal relations


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