cover image: Exploring Nuclear Risk Reduction Pathways in Southern Asia through


Exploring Nuclear Risk Reduction Pathways in Southern Asia through

18 Apr 2023

Box 1: Nuclear Responsibilities What is the Nuclear Responsibilities Approach? The Nuclear Responsibilities Approach is a way of thinking and talking about nuclear weapons policies and practices that puts responsibility at the centre of the conversation. [...] In this role, the SASCS would have important affinities with the Standing Consultative Commission (SCC) that was established by the United States and Soviet Union as part of monitoring compliance with the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM) and the ‘Interim Agreement Between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Certain Measures With Respect to the Limitation of Off. [...] Moreover, the purpose of this network in the first instance is to create space for the exchange of views between the nuclear powers within the region. [...] China established the State Nuclear Security Technology Center in 2016,41 while India opened the Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership in 2017.42 Meanwhile Pakistan has established three CEOs: the Pakistan Centre of Excellence for Nuclear Security, the National Institute of Safety and Security, and the Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences.43 Despite their different nationa. [...] Taking into consideration the strategic chain and the increasingly important role of China in the region, efforts were also made to develop ways of bringing China into CBMs through extension of the non- attack agreement between India and Pakistan, and through regional cooperation of nuclear COEs to tackle disaster management and emergency preparedness.


Caroline Mackay

Published in
United Kingdom
