The Sino-Congolais des facing the challenge of the Millennium


The Sino-Congolais des facing the challenge of the Millennium

13 Aug 2018

This means that the paid amounts did not take into account all the aspects regarding a lost property, especially the sacrifices made by the owner, the usefulness of the goods, the affective value between the owner and the goods, and the social and anthropological bonds. [...] Here are a few extracts from that letter: The inhabitants affected demand that Sicomines provides fair compensation to the victims of the pollution in Yenge and Noa, drill new wells in the villages affected by the pollution, and recommend that the government of the province of Lualaba ensure to clean up of the Luilu river and supervise indemnification of the victims by Sicomines. [...] During that meeting of nearly 1 hour, all the matters at hand were discussed, specifically the reality of the pollution, the lack of transparency in the process of identifying and compensating the victims, and the government’s failure to protect the rights of the communities. [...] 50 Reaction of the governor of Lualaba province during a meeting with the delegation from the village of Yenge 51 The Sapatelo Maendeleo Cooperative provided AFREWATCH with copies of the claims from their 15 members, sent to government and Sicomines officials to object to the arbitrariness in the process of evaluation of property and compensation of the victims. [...] The current effects of the incident on the livelihood of communities are: contamination of the soil, water table, fish ponds and vegetable gardens; the pollution of the Luilu river; and on-going health problems, especially in the village of Sept.



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The Sino-Congolese des facing the challenge of the Millennium
