

5 Apr 2023

FIRE raised concerns regarding a provision in the university's student handbook that requires students to notify the Chief of the 14 University of Maine Police at least three days before holding expressive activities in outdoor areas of campus.47 While the requirement to notify campus police is likely to further the university’s goals of preserving order and security in some circumstances, it rest. [...] One analyst has actually pointed to the 2018 Maine gubernatorial race as an example of how the attitudes of candidates actually remain largely unchanged despite the supposed incentives of RCV.68 Oftentimes, despite the claims often made in favor of ranked choice voting, the results produced by the lengthy and unwieldy process are the same as they would have been had the election been run as usual. [...] Analysis Over the past several legislative sessions, some legislators and their supporters in the public have pushed to establish a quasi public entity to seize the assets of the two companies which, while not generating power, get electricity to homes and businesses in the state: Central Maine Power (CMP) and Versant. [...] During the lifespan of the plant, which was shut down in 1996, Maine Yankee provided roughly 119 billion kilowatt hours of electricity, which supplied most of the state's required energy.117 Since the closure of the reactor, Maine has transitioned toward alternative sources of electricity to fill the gap left by Maine Yankee’s absence. [...] At the public hearing for bills submitted as concept drafts, the sponsor often releases the language of the bill for the first time and testifies in its favor; rarely is this language made available to Maine people prior to the public hearing.
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United States of America
