cover image: Using Radiation-Induced Novel Genetic Diversity to Develop Pest-Resistant Maize in Central African Republic


Using Radiation-Induced Novel Genetic Diversity to Develop Pest-Resistant Maize in Central African Republic

3 Apr 2023

A first application of inorganic manure (NPK) was carried out one day after the first weeding and the second application of inorganic manure (Urea) at the appearance of the male inflorescence. [...] The test of the smallest significant difference at the probability threshold of 5% was used for the comparison of the means of the treatments. [...] Our results show that fir the CMS 8704 variety with 100Gy and 200Gy all seeds were germinated as the control, with 300Gy and 400Gy the half of seed were germinated, with 500Gy 2 to 3 seeds of each replicate were germinated, but according to the different doses, the CMS 8704 presents no symptom of FAW. [...] Considering the effects of radiation on plants, the present study was conducted to determine the effects of radiation on maize growth and development and on the content of photosynthetic pigments. [...] The first survey of Spodoptera frugiperda on Maize in the farms and in the traditional post-harvest conservation in Central African Republic.


Richard Kombat

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