cover image: Hent og læs rapport


Hent og læs rapport

3 Feb 2023

While the trends of the first analyses on the results of the last agricultural season announce an increase in cereal production of 20% in the Sahel countries, the need for vigilance and assistance remains crucial in this region. [...] In response to this crisis, Oxfam, in addition to its efforts to support the development of the agricultural sector to protect the most vulnerable, including women and youth, and the resilience of communities to climate change, has adopted response plans in the three countries of the Central Sahel to provide food and nutrition assistance to people in need. [...] Finding resources to ensure the subsistence of one's family in a context of unprecedented inflation but also investing in the family field to ward off the spectre of hunger has proved to be a difficult equation for millions of people across the Sahel: "During the lean season, we encountered many difficulties including financial problems", says André BIRBA, a producer in the Central Plateau Region. [...] • Support populations in the off-season production activities through the development of perimeters and the mobilization of water, the reconstitution of livestock and support access to means of production. [...] Barely a granary and a half of food harvested, the weight of age and the difficulties of access to water and inputs did not allow the activities of vegetable production.



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