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NINCH Database Project: Phase 1 Data Entry/Revision Guidelines Procedures For Completing Records

16 Aug 2022

The Database Coordinator will divide up the records in the database among the participating catalogers, and each cataloger will be notified of the records for which he or she is responsible. [...] Field: Language Responsibility: (O) Scheme: ISO 639-2 MARC analog: N/A Attributes: N/A Field contents: Enter names of the languages of the project, whether the languages of presentation or the languages of the source material of the project. [...] Fields we check/enter tentatively, prompting project contacts to amend or complete: Field: Project Contact Information Responsibility: (R) Scheme: NINCH MARC analog: N/A Attributes: N/A Field contents: Enter or transcribe contact information for the project director, or for the person designated by the project director as project contact. [...] 1.4F8 in this fashion: give the date of creation of the project (probably the date the project was begun) as the first of two dates, and the date the project was considered to be no longer in progress as the second date. [...] 1100-1450, in the case of a set of texts from the Middle Ages) whichever is deemed more apt, given the nature of the project.


Kenadee Mangus

Published in
United States of America