cover image: SPARC Response to Federal Register Request for Information 85 FR 9488:


SPARC Response to Federal Register Request for Information 85 FR 9488:

6 May 2020

We thank the Office of Science and Technology Policy for your efforts to convene a substantive discussion on the importance of ensuring broad public access to the results of federally funded research. [...] Question # 1 “What current limitations exist to the effective communication of research outputs (publications, data, and code) and how might communications evolve to accelerate public access while advancing the quality of scientific research?” Scientific research is critical to the well-being of society. [...] We applaud OSTP’s commitment to collaborating on this important effort through the recent joint meeting of the White House JCORE group and the National Academies of Science Roundtable on Realigning Research Incentives and believe that this collaboration could play an important role in ensuring the ultimate success of this policy. [...] What starts in the lab ends up in the pharmacy, in the factory, and on the farm. [...] Conversely, the current delay and difficulty in accessing the results of research negatively impacts businesses, entrepreneurs, patients, and the public – all of whom are eager for the latest science to be translated into materials that the manufacturing sector can use to make tests, treatments, and vaccines.


Heather Joseph

Published in
United States of America
