cover image: CITIZEN SCIENCE ACADEMY - UCL Citizen Science Academy - Community-based and practice-led training


CITIZEN SCIENCE ACADEMY - UCL Citizen Science Academy - Community-based and practice-led training

2 May 2023

Citizen social scientists get involved in identifying the research questions, designing the research and analysing the results to generate knowledge that helps to build effective interventions and social policies. [...] Managed by the IGP Prosperity Co-laboratory UK (PROCOL UK) in partnership with the UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies, the study was co-designed with members of the London Prosperity Board – a cross-sector partnership between the IGP, UCL East, London government, public agencies, businesses, the third sector, and local communities in east London, to change the way decision-makers think and act fo. [...] Partners London Prosperity Board, Compost London, Leaders in the Community, Hackney Quest, and UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies Research Questions The study aims to fill the gap in research regarding the unequal impacts of regeneration on prosperity, life chances, and quality of life amongst local communities in the long-term. [...] The research looks at how regeneration affects the prosperity of people from different backgrounds and neighbourhoods, asking: Who benefits and how? What are the obstacles to prosperity for different groups? Where The study examines the experiences of households in 15 areas in five boroughs of east London that are part of, or neighbour, large-scale and long-term strategic regeneration initiatives:. [...] Karantina and Mar Mikhael were chosen as a result of the Beirut blast and our need to contribute to the response in the reconstruction and rehabilitation phase.



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