cover image: Update on recent progress in reform of inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption 2021


Update on recent progress in reform of inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption 2021

12 Jul 2021

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The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. [...] Note by all the European Union Member States of the OECD and the European Union The Republic of Cyprus is recognised by all members of the United Nations with the exception of Turkey. [...] The information in this document relates to the area under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus. [...] Reassess the financing structure of inland waterways, in particular the levels of user fees and fuel excise taxes: the costs of constructing, operating and maintaining inland waterways are largely borne by the taxpayer, and more than half of the volume of freight transported concerns fossil fuels, but no subsidy for bulk transportation of fossil fuels by rail and barges was identified in the peer. [...] The panel acknowledged a lack of consensus on how to define and value fossil-fuel subsidies and emphasised the need for a flexible approach to choosing methodologies for the purposes of the peer reviews – one taking into account the reform objectives and requirements of the country under review.



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