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Adapting and Evolving Healthcare Education for Today's Mental Health Crisis Among Youth

23 Apr 2023

With the partnership of the Institute for Community Prosperity and Mosaic Primary Care Network, the Catamount Fellowship gave myself, a fellow, the opportunity to explore how the health care system could possibly adapt and evolve to meet the needs of today’s youth. [...] 4 The Research Question Mosaic Primary Care Network put forth the original research question “how might we adapt and evolve the healthcare system to meet the needs of today’s youth?” This question was used with the future of the healthcare system in mind and considering the needs of future patients. [...] After careful analysis of research found related to this topic on adapting and evolving the healthcare system to meet the needs of today’s youth, it was decided to shift the focus of the question to topics that are of primary importance to youth. [...] 6 COVID-19 Mental Indigenous Health Youth within Mental HealthCrisis Youth Youth Mental Youth in Health Health Care Facilities Health Services School Education Curriculum Youth and Culturally Family Responsive Physicians Health Care The Newer System After careful analysis of the beginning system and further research, a newer system was developed. [...] Social the provincial and federal governments isolation has been linked to a number of to do more to ensure equal access to potential short-term and long-term healthcare and social services in order to impacts on mental health (Government of deal with the rising mental health and Alberta, 2021).


Brooke-Lyne Venne

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