cover image: Creating Safe and Inclusive Spaces for Communities at Risk to be Involved in Eco-action


Creating Safe and Inclusive Spaces for Communities at Risk to be Involved in Eco-action

21 Apr 2023

Creating Safe and Inclusive Spaces for Communities at Risk to be Involved in Eco-action 3 Methodology The purpose of this study was to explore barriers, stereotypes, and perceptions that communities at risk face when approaching eco-action in hopes of understanding how to create safe and inclusive spaces for these communities to be involved in eco-action. [...] This led to the development of intersectional eco-action which I defined as an “inclusive approach to eco-action that works to protect both the individual and the planet by considering different parts of their identity.” Intersectional eco-action: an inclusive approach to eco-action that works to protect both the individual and the planet by considering different parts of their identity. [...] Organizations like Colour the Trails and MTN work to create safe and inclusive spaces in the outdoors for communities at risk which leads to these individuals having the desire to preserve, conserve and support the environment. [...] This shows that if educators Their experiences, perspectives, and intersectionality in their do not have a diverse and inclusive approach to eco-action, it identities are absolutely vital to the decolonization and re- results in disinterest from youth and the desire to not vamping of eco-action. [...] Creating Safe and Inclusive Spaces for Communities at Risk to be Involved in Eco-action 10 How to Move Forward: What do communities at risk need? How to create safe and inclusive spaces? Acknowledge and address systemic racism: In order Mindfulness and language: Be mindful of the language to create safe and inclusive spaces for communities at risk to and behaviour that may be exclusionary or discr.
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