cover image: The Risks of AI-Cybersecurity Gaps to the Developmental State Project, African Just AI Policy Paper


The Risks of AI-Cybersecurity Gaps to the Developmental State Project, African Just AI Policy Paper

9 May 2023

2.2 Organisation The first half of the paper addresses the politics over the form that the South African state and society would take in the post-apartheid era. [...] Impressed with the economic performance of East Asian countries in the later stages of the 20th century, and taking heed of Malaysia’s efforts to use the state and affirmative action policies to 7 redress racial inequalities (Gumede, 2009), South African officials believed the developmental state model was the appropriate vehicle to build the material foundation for a well functioning national dem. [...] “Policing plans and the response to cybercrime State Security and policing came under severe scrutiny and criticism due to the breakdown in the effectiveness of these two arms of the state. [...] With the establishment of the Union of South Africa in 1910, the transport systems of the four provinces were amalgamated to form the South African Railways and Harbours Administration (SAR&H). [...] The larger point is that Transnet was able to recognise that digitalisation impacted the company’s operations, the board was adequately informed over the course of several years that disruptive innovation led to the emergence of new security, they were aware of the risks of an ageing IT system, and they were aware of prior cybersecurity attacks.
Published in
South Africa