cover image: Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: Synthesis of Statements on Climate Change


Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: Synthesis of Statements on Climate Change

1 May 2023

people of African descent to exercise, individually or collectively, “the right to property and to the use, In its COB to France, the Committee recommended conservation and protection of lands traditionally taking measures, in consultation with the affected occupied by them and to natural resources in cases Indigenous Peoples in overseas territories, to remedy where their ways of life and culture. [...] 23 on the rights of indigenous for the effects of climate change on their territories peoples, the Committee reaffirmed the “rights of and resources, in order to protect their way of living indigenous peoples to own, develop, control and use and subsistence. [...] their communal lands, territories and resources,” as well as the obligation of the States to “take steps to Finally, the Committee recommended that Cam- return those lands and territories where [Indigenous eroon “[a]dopt measures to mitigate the impact of Peoples] have been deprived of their lands and territo- climate change on the lands, territories and resources ries traditionally owned or other. [...] The Committee the concept note circulated ahead of the discussion expressed concern “at the disproportionate health, does not mention climate change or the environment, socioeconomic and cultural impact of climate change, this General Recommendation (GR) might provide natural disasters and pollution — the latter caused the opportunity to address these dimensions. [...] This joint submission the rights of racial and ethnic minorities and indige- encourages the CERD to seize the occasion presented nous peoples, bring those responsible to account and by the upcoming GR to outline States’ obligations provide effective remedies for the victims,” as well as regarding the right to health in the climate context.
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