cover image: Youth Employment and Dynamics in Rural Non-Farm Enterprises (RNFE) in


Youth Employment and Dynamics in Rural Non-Farm Enterprises (RNFE) in

18 May 2023

As the 5 | P a g e youth are assumed to be disproportionally disadvantaged in both quantity and quality of RNFE participation, age disaggregated data is a must to study the inclusiveness of RNFE indicating advances still need to be made related to the understanding of the dynamics of the sector and participation of the youth. [...] We examined the profile of these RNFEs and take advantage of the panel nature of the data to extend our analysis to mobility between business enterprise statues and the factors explaining the transition to a higher work status. [...] In this case, the analysis is further disaggregated by age of participants in order to examine if the youth have a different choice, and if the factors that determine upward movement in the business ladder are different for the youth and matured households. [...] To see if the youth perform differently in the upward movement in the business ladder, we analyse the dynamics of firms separately for the youth and matured owners. [...] 5 The youth in this case is includes young adults up to the age of 34 so as to include experienced youth in the group, despite the fact that the Ethiopian National Youth Policy puts the age limit for the youth at 29 years.


Fredu Nega Tegebu

Published in