cover image: The Importance of Trauma-Informed Care in the Education, Healthcare, and Juvenile Justice Systems


The Importance of Trauma-Informed Care in the Education, Healthcare, and Juvenile Justice Systems

10 May 2023

impacts and what role do they play Over the last decade people began to in the increase in mental health and understand that where we are seeing substance misuse issues the nation is trauma—in the school systems, in Shairi R. [...] We have volunteers who are gender issues.65,66 TFAH: Is the nation’s juvenile justice trained to support whatever the texter Fundamentally, the goal is to avoid system part of the solution or part of deems a crisis. [...] They The disproportionate minority contact 988 and the hope that we are improving are the place where we need to recognize with the juvenile justice system is part the crisis care continuum. [...] speaks not to the people of currently exist with 988 text/chat, and If we go to the root of it all, we have color but to the experiences we urge federal officials to implement to address systematized and structural this offering in a culturally and they are having. [...] That speaks Hopefully 988 can be the beginning not to the people of color but to the of a paradigm shift so that it’s the experiences they are having.
Published in
United States of America