cover image: EDUCATION AND SOCIAL POLICY REPORT - Out-of-School Youth in Southern Nevada: - 1664 North Virginia Street


EDUCATION AND SOCIAL POLICY REPORT - Out-of-School Youth in Southern Nevada: - 1664 North Virginia Street

11 May 2023

The service provider focus group consisted of a total nine participants with a nearly 50/50 split in the number of managerial/programmatic staff in attendance (with five participants in attendance holding positions in the managerial category and four being based in programmatic positions). [...] The State of Nevada addressed this issue with a variety of methods in recent years, including increasing recruitment of teachers from out-of-state, temporarily allowing for the hiring of emergency substitutes, and incentivizing new 6 Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Analytics. [...] Experiences Working with In-School Youth The population of in-school youth service provider organizations serve are defined by Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) guidelines.12 Multiple service provider focus group participants noted that while in-school youth seem to benefit the most from the services they offer, youth in-school are often the hardest to reach for a variety of reasons. [...] The main challenges in service provisions identified by participants of this group include struggles faced in collaborating with organizations in the processing and provision of youth services, and limitations resulting from WIOA funding restrictions. [...] Participants in both the focus groups for youth and service providers noted that mental health struggles are one of the most prominent challenges facing youth and that providing emotional support for mental health and other issues is one of the most important roles service providers play in their interactions with youth.


Kristine Caliger

Published in
United States of America