cover image: 2015 Congresional District One-Page Ocean Economies Summary Report


2015 Congresional District One-Page Ocean Economies Summary Report

31 Oct 2022

Other = This is the sum of suppressed sectors within the 5th district and the ocean economy in the non-district portions of the counties. [...] Other = This is the sum of suppressed sectors within the 5th district and the ocean economy in the non-district portions of the counties. [...] Other = This is the sum of suppressed sectors within the 5th district and the ocean economy in the non-district portions of the counties. [...] Other = This is the sum of suppressed sectors within the 4th district and the ocean economy in the non-district portions of the counties. [...] Other = This is the sum of suppressed sectors within the 5th district and the ocean economy in the non-district portions of the counties.


Kildow, Charles Colgan, and Yunguang Chen

Published in
United States of America