cover image: Ordem Global em The Changing Transformação: Global Order: - diante da facing the


Ordem Global em The Changing Transformação: Global Order: - diante da facing the

26 May 2023

com a Fundação Konrad Adenauer (KAS), In this regard, we highlight the long-time para a organização da Conferência de partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Segurança Internacional do Forte de Foundation (KAS) in organizing the Forte Copacabana, e para a promoção do diálogo de Copacabana International Security em temas de segurança internacional e de Conference, as well as for promoting talks defesa. [...] In the light of the alarming scenario of a Frente ao cenário alarmante de conjuga- combination of these vectors of disruption, ção destes vetores de disrupção, a União the European Union is committed to Europeia empenha-se em fortalecer a paz, furthering international peace, security and segurança e estabilidade internacionais e stability and defending the international defender a ordem internacio. [...] Hence the potential of a venue sponsored by organizations such as the German political foundation and the Brazilian think tank, both occupying a privileged position between the political sphere, diplomacy, academia and the private sector, capable of mobilizing a vast network of actors on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, not least by means of the Delegation of the European Union’s ongoing support. [...] At the debate’s core, the diverging views between Brazilian and European authorities with regard to the role by the US and the transatlantic alliance in the global security architecture – a recurring issue throughout the conference’s editions and an unavoidable subject in the respective agenda, in the present and in the future, according to different stakeholders interviewed by the author. [...] Under such circumstances, the greater and more complex the challenges to the global order, the greater the urgency of efforts to encourage dialogue, confidence and cooperation in the international arena – and therefore the greater the relevance and contribution by the Forte de Copacabana Conference, for Brazil and its partners in the West.
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Title in English
Global Order in The Changing Transformation: Global Order: - facing the [from PDF fonts]