cover image: The Postmaster General. - Jan 12, 1911


The Postmaster General. - Jan 12, 1911

12 Jan 1911

Parliamentary debate on The Postmaster General. on Jan 12, 1911
david henderson wilfrid laurier george halsey perley william cameron edwards edgar nelson rhodes george eulas foster edward mortimer macdonald austin levi fraser george perry graham henry horton miller frederick forsyth pardee robert laird borden supply. morley currie thomas wilson crothers frank broadstreet carvell the postmaster general. richard blain william pugsley george taylor oliver james wilcox john stanfield clarence jameson andrew broder edward arthur lancaster thomas simpson sproule samuel simpson sharpe mr pugsley. haughton lennox an hon. member. john waterhouse daniel sydney arthur fisher gilbert howard mcintyre james conmee


John Waterhouse Daniel, Andrew Broder, Samuel Simpson Sharpe, George Perry Graham, Sydney Arthur Fisher, Haughton Lennox, Richard Blain, Mr PUGSLEY., Edward Arthur Lancaster, William Pugsley, William Cameron Edwards, Wilfrid Laurier, David Henderson, James Conmee, George Eulas Foster, George Halsey Perley, Henry Horton Miller, Thomas Simpson Sproule, Edward Mortimer Macdonald, Clarence Jameson, Robert Laird Borden, Austin Levi Fraser, Edgar Nelson Rhodes, Morley Currie, George Taylor, Oliver James Wilcox, An hon. MEMBER., John Stanfield, Gilbert Howard McIntyre, Frederick Forsyth Pardee, Thomas Wilson Crothers, Frank Broadstreet Carvell

Parties Represented
Conservative (1867-1942) Liberal
Published in
The Postmaster General.
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