cover image: Club de Madrid calls on World Leaders to Work Towards the Creation of an International Anti-Corrupti


Club de Madrid calls on World Leaders to Work Towards the Creation of an International Anti-Corrupti

22 Mar 2023

Danilo Türk, President of Slovenia (2007-2012) and President of Club de Madrid We celebrate the European Parliament’s recent call for the establishment of an IACC in its annual resolution on EU policy on human rights and democracy in the world. [...] We encourage the European Parliament and its members to muster the political will of European states in support of this initiative and related incremental steps and call upon other regional bodies and states to join the growing global effort towards the creation of the IACC. [...] The Court should have the authority to prosecute crimes committed by nationals of member states and nationals of other states who commit crimes in the territory of a member state. [...] The IACC should have the authority to recover, repatriate, and repurpose illicit assets for the benet of the victims of grand corruption. [...] Since this Declaration was rst published in June 2021, the governments of Canada and the Netherlands have committed to working with international partners toward the creation of the Court.
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