cover image: Minority Rights Report *


Minority Rights Report *

24 May 2023

But in the process of The poverty of the reservations is a direct result of the authorities' failing it created a political and economic system that has made contempt for the tribal Indian and their consequent lack of faith in Indians the poorest and most depressed ethnic group in the United his ability to run his own life. [...] often runs counter to the needs of Bureau of Indian Affairs continues to control the purse-strings, the people it is supposed to serve stems from its position in the genuine tribal self-determination is clearly impossible, and with the Department of the Interior, where it comes under the authority of growing incapacity of most Indians to support themselves on their the Assistant Secretary for Publ. [...] 1960s there was growing awareness of the devastation that strip- The experience of the Northern Cheyenne highlights the degree to mining had caused in other parts of the country, and in 1965 which the reservation Indians' dealings with the outside world are Congress passed the Appalachian Regional Development Act, mediated through the B. [...] The lawyers asked that wasted water inadequate payments, and the Department of the Interior, with no should be returned to the lake, and the judge, trying to arrange a conflict of interest on this occasion, represented the Indians and negotiated settlement, instructed the Secretary of the Interior to won a long legal battle to have the whites removed. [...] letter informing him that the Department of the Interior, after By the outbreak of the Second World War the Lahontan trout was 70 years, had decided to file suit for the protection of the tribe's extinct in the lake and the cui-ui was struggling for survival, and the water-right, but on questioning he admitted that this litigation could demand for water was still rising daily from non-Indian farme.
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United Kingdom