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Project: Supporting Implementation of Information Classifications

19 Feb 2023

The revision of the existing procedure was initiated following a need to highlight the unique differences between institutional and research data to enable clear directions on ICT platforms available for use at the University following the implementation of research capabilities such as the Monash Secure eResearch Platform (SeRP). [...] 2.2 Crosswalk analysis The working group encourages institutions to continue the development of the draft sensitive data classification level crosswalk and The second call to action in the ADRM element states that ‘institutions are encouraged to share with one another examples of the standards in use for their data classification’ Part of the reasoning for the establishment of this project between. [...] 2.3 Risk/Consequence Recommendation 3: Sensitive Data Classification levels should be defined by the severity of risk/consequences of mishandling or exposure of the data The SD Element recommends the adoption of a “risk and consequence” data classification scheme – where “the degree of sensitivity reflects the severity of the risk posed by mishandling or exposure of the data” Both UTAS’ and Monash. [...] While the final framework at UTAS was similar in many ways to Monash’s framework, including the 4 tired classification scheme, the colours of the categories and the description of the categories, the major difference was the labeling of the categories. [...] Following the implementation of ISRAs and the acknowledgment of the need to communicate to researcher’s the capability and appropriateness of services, Monash has developed Capability Statements for new services that have been developed in response to the Information Classification Scheme eg.


Jac Charlesworth

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