cover image: Project Update (April 2023) Research Link Australia (RLA) project


Project Update (April 2023) Research Link Australia (RLA) project

19 May 2023

The aim was to better understand the potential and value of building a national shared information platform that can aid in linking research with businesses, industry and government. [...] Better, richer and shared information can add real value to the whole ecosystem, boosting the success and capacity of other programs and services that facilitate. [...] ● Greater access to more comprehensive information has the potential to reduce duplication, reduce costs across this national ecosystem, and can seek to improve the timeliness and quality of information. [...] The RLA project aims to provide an information platform and strategic framework to boost the success of services and activities that are linking universities and research organisations with businesses, industry and government. [...] The project is part of the Government's increased support for collaboration between research and industry, vital for Australian innovation, driving productivity and economic growth, improving quality of living and planet health.
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