cover image: Hon James Shaw Minister of Climate Change Parliament Buildings Wellington


Hon James Shaw Minister of Climate Change Parliament Buildings Wellington

17 Feb 2023

Should the Government choose to not follow the Commission’s recommendations, the Act seeks to ensure transparency and accountability by requiring the Minister of Climate Change to prepare a report of the reasons for the difference and present it to the House. [...] As Chair of the Commission, my hope was that your report would clearly set out the reasons for departing from any recommendation and provide enough information to allow the Commission, Members of Parliament and members of the public to be able to make an informed assessment of the implications of the decision. [...] The advice of the Commission informs the Government and the decisions of the Government inform how the Commission approaches its advice. [...] For transparency and accountability, as well as the Commission’s own work, an explanation of how the Government’s decisions fulfil requirements in the Act around according with emissions budgets, the nationally determined contribution, and the 2050 target, or how discrepancies might be managed over time to address the implications of the decisions should have been provided. [...] Having put on record the Commission’s view that the response to our 2022 advice on ETS Settings fell short of meeting the intentions of Parliament and the requirements of the Act, our intention is for this feedback to influence future reports in response to our advice rather than to seek to have the past report remediated.
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New Zealand