مركـز البحـوث في االقتصـاد  التطبيـقـ يمن أجـل التنميـة -      DAERC ud sreihaC seL


مركـز البحـوث في االقتصـاد التطبيـقـ يمن أجـل التنميـة - DAERC ud sreihaC seL

3 Jan 2023

Call for papers Special issue on : The Use of Decision-making Tools and Methods in Economics “The history of the humanities and social sciences has been punctuated, since its origin, by the question of the role that mathematics, its formalisms and its methods, can or must play in these sciences. [...] Historically, the use of mathematics was omnipresent in the hard sciences and almost absent in the humanities and social sciences. [...] The latter now ranges from simple economic theory, aiming at building a corpus of fundamental and abstract results on the functioning of the economy, to applied economics, which uses the tools of economic theory and related disciplines to study important areas such as the environment, agriculture, labor, health, real estate, industrial organization and education. [...] Operational Research was initially developed during the WWII for the development of military strategies on the one hand, and for the management of supplies and stocks of various supplies (food, medicine, ammunition, etc.) on the other hand. [...] The guide for authors and the templates can be downloaded on the following link: • Authors should add the mention "Special issue: The use of decision-making tools and methods in economics" on the papers to be submitted.



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Title in English
Center for Research in Applied Economics, Yemen for Development - DAERC ud SREIhac SeL [from PDF fonts]