cover image: IDEAS AT THE CROSSROADS OF INSPIRED COMMUNITIES - Rethinking social and physical infrastructure investments


IDEAS AT THE CROSSROADS OF INSPIRED COMMUNITIES - Rethinking social and physical infrastructure investments

10 May 2023

responsibility to be asking continually: Who is the public? What is important to Registered Professional Planners: the public? Is everyone’s voice being heard? How can we be sure? How can • Practice in a manner that respects the we bridge the differences in perspectives diversity, needs, values and aspirations of and experiences? the public and encourages discussion on these matters; Serving the i. [...] Examining Public Investment Gaps in over the long term and a step to fostering Black Infrastructure Needs, a report by the equity, when all too often the onus is on wp-content/uploads/2022/12/SCCR- Somali Centre for Culture and Recreation equity-denied people to be resilient and to Brief-v4_Final.pdf (SCCR), in partnership with the University of fill in the gaps. [...] The implementation of the Sant Under the PIRPP, there are variations in In the second phase, the temporary Antoni superblock in Barcelona’s historic the type of intervention and the degree to measures may be improved, while planning 10 Y MAGAZINE | 2023 | ISSUE 13 04 Figure 2: The central intersection of the Sant Antoni superblock after its transformation to public space Figure 3: St. [...] We certainly had projects see unprecedented planning and design professionals is to acknowledge, levels of survey participation, and we’ve also had plenty discuss, and uncover the needs of the community by of participants encounter issues with the technology and working directly with those with lived experiences in express a desire to get back to in-person engagement. [...] has been teaching in the planning programs at Toronto Metropolitan University and University of Toronto and is a consultant to and keen supporter of various The second and third sections of this article were written by Indigenous and local charities.
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