The principles outlined in this standard revolve around the legality, authorisation, planning, timeliness, security, and accuracy of and justification and accountability for retention and disposal actions. [...] The retention periods in the Retention and Disposal Authority are based primarily on two Public Record Office of Victoria (PROV) Retention and Disposal Authorities: General Retention and Disposal Authority for the Records of Higher and Further Education Institutions (PROS 02/01), and General Retention & Disposal Authority for Records of Common Administrative Functions (PROS 07/01), as well as. [...] Retention and Disposal of University Records Procedure The Monash University Retention and Disposal Authority must be used to determine how long university records are kept. [...] Find the description in the Retention and Disposal Authority that matches the records. [...] Take the recommended retention or disposal action: If records are to be retained permanently, contact the University Archives about transferring the records to the Archives.
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