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Recordkeeping Retention and Disposal of University Records Procedures Australia only

29 May 2023

The principles outlined in this standard revolve around the legality, authorisation, planning, timeliness, security, and accuracy of and justification and accountability for retention and disposal actions. [...] The retention periods in the Retention and Disposal Authority are based primarily on two Public Record Office of Victoria (PROV) Retention and Disposal Authorities: General Retention and Disposal Authority for the Records of Higher and Further Education Institutions (PROS 02/01), and General Retention & Disposal Authority for Records of Common Administrative Functions (PROS 07/01), as well as. [...] Retention and Disposal of University Records Procedure The Monash University Retention and Disposal Authority must be used to determine how long university records are kept. [...] Find the description in the Retention and Disposal Authority that matches the records. [...] Take the recommended retention or disposal action: If records are to be retained permanently, contact the University Archives about transferring the records to the Archives.

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