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has today called on the Toronto Stock Exchange Venture Exchange

13 Jul 2023

1 If the shareholding is allowed to proceed, the significant environmental and human rights impacts outlined in this letter could substantially increase; therefore, we believe that it is in the public interest to suspend the share listing. [...] 2 The FORM 51-102F3 issued on June 28 outlines how: “On June 26, 2023, the Company a nnounced that it had filed a preliminary short form prospectus in connection with an overnight marketed offering (the “Offering”) of units (the “Units”) of the Company, at a price per Unit to be determined in the context of the market. [...] For example, the drilling threatens the UNESCO World Heritage site, the Okavango Delta, home to some of the world’s most endangered species, such as the cheetah, white and black rhinoceros, African wild dog, and lion. [...] 11 A ccording to climate experts, the region, including the Kalahari desert, is already warming at rates twice the global average and at the fastest anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere. [...] We don’t know who it is, but this could be connected to my activism in the region.” 16 B eyond the ecological and human rights impact, there are ongoing concerns about how the company communicates to shareholders and the public.
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United States of America