cover image: FIGURES AND TRENDS 2022



18 Jul 2023

8200 The national 116 000 hotline services for While the hotlines may generally provide cases of missing children were dealt missing children are managed by 23 members, information on the number of calls answered with by 18 hotlines of the 116000 who provide free and prompt emotional, and the number of cases supported, more network in 2022. [...] The free 116000 telephone number Children remains the most popular way of contacting Just under 38% of respondents do not record Unknown the hotlines with 53,711 calls to the number, much detail about the identity of the person marking a total of 76% of all points of contact. [...] A quarter of new cases, 24 %, involved a parental abduction, with both 1 categories increasing in size, whereas 3% of By law enforcement24% By a member of the public responding to a child alert cases concerned children missing in migration, By a member of the public responding to a publicity a decrease from the previous year. [...] Lack of human resources to operate the hotline figures are consistent with Missing Children Europe calls on Member States Lack of awareness of the service by the public information provided by to fulfil their obligations under the EU strategy on the rights of the child to establish (where Lack of financial resources hotlines in previous years. [...] 21 Missing and Sexually Exploited Children in the Enlarged EU: Epidemiological Data in the New Member States (2005), as part of the Childoscope project run by Missing Children Europe *The numbers in the graph were obtained by making an average of the ranking given by the hotlines.
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