Relationships Australia recognises the indivisibility and universality of human rights and the inherent and equal freedom and dignity of all. [...] Recommendation 12 To eradicate ageism and ableism which drive lack of recognition and valuing of unpaid carers: • develop and maintain ongoing public awareness and education campaigns to refute ageist and ableist beliefs and discrimination across unpaid and paid care support, health, education and employment, social and cultural domains, and raise awareness of different cohorts of unpaid carers (e. [...] Relationships Australia welcomed the acknowledgement, in the draft strategy for the care and support economy, that ‘[p]oor understanding of the economic and social impacts of care and support systems mean that we can undervalue social infrastructure’.18 This is related to the absence of meaningful language with which to talk about these systems, and is equally relevant to the work of unpaid carers. [...] In response to the enormous effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and other challenges in recent years, Relationships Australia recognised a shift in Australia and was interested in gaining a better understanding of the state of relationships at a national level. [...] The Object of the Act The Inquiry focuses on the Object of the Act, which is ‘…to increase recognition and awareness of carers and to acknowledge the valuable contribution they make to society.’ (section 3) In her Second Reading Speech, the then Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, the Hon Jenny Macklin AC, provided some background to the Act: We are determine.
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