cover image: Full-Stage Applications to the EPSRC Quantum Technologies Research Hub Call


Full-Stage Applications to the EPSRC Quantum Technologies Research Hub Call

29 Jun 2023

The QEPNT Hub will create the community and ecosystem and the technologies required for the UK to be a global leader in future PNT systems. [...] Many of the key scientific ideas originated in the UK but we now find ourselves in a new situation where quantum computing is making the transition to commercial products with dedicated start-ups and multinationals making the first generation of quantum hardware and software. [...] This requires the outstanding within-discipline science and engineering expertise we have assembled, and an investment in time and in mechanisms to ensure that staff in the Hub have a broad and deep understanding of other hardware domains and software approaches. [...] The Hub will combine two major disciplines in which the UK is a global leader - Quantum Technologies and Biomedicine - for the first time, bringing together developers of quantum sensors with biomedical researchers into a single research hub with a common vision and joint programme that runs from user needs specification to quantum sensor development, to prototyping and testing. [...] The Hub will position the UK at the forefront of this emerging field, and bring major health economic benefits to patients, the public, health systems, society, and provide new jobs in the growing quantum-enabled sector of the economy.


Ashleigh Bignell - EPSRC UKRI

Published in
United Kingdom