cover image: MANUAL 2023



13 Jul 2023

The participants recommended the integration of the expert groups under the auspices of the Network of the Prosecutors General and the Task Force cooperation. [...] RUSSIA Prosecutors, dealing with the environmental protection within the limits of a relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation, have the following powers: • supervision over the compliance with the laws on the environmental • protection and the nature management, supervision over the observance of environmental rights of citizens; • supervision over the execution of laws during the acc. [...] The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation shapes the state policy and conducts the normative and legal regulation in the area of protection of environment and in the sphere of the study, renewal and conservation of natural resources. [...] The Federal Security Service implements the organization of the activity in the sphere of defence and protection of natural resources of inland sea waters, the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone, the continental shelf, and, beyond the limits of the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, of reserves of anadromous types of fish, created in rivers of the Russian Federation. [...] Russia noted, that the legislation on the environmental protection is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and consists of the Federal Laws, and, adopted in compliance with them, normative and legal acts of the Government and the President of the Russian Federation and the bodies of executive power of the Russian Federation and normative and legal acts of constituent entities of the.



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