cover image: NATURE POSITIVE: HOW? STARTING NOW. - July 2023



24 Jul 2023

“All the security of supply and – for the companies that grasp the policy decisions, regulation and frameworks are pushing connection – faster action to preserve the eco-systems essential to in the same direction, and it’s a lot clearer: nature has been moved from a nebulous issue in 2020 to one today that’s actionable.” 02 Nature Positive: How? Starting Now. [...] with the terms and the timeline and expectations around If you don’t manage this [internal conversation] well, the rate of return – both physical and to eco-systems.” nature action can be seen as a roadblock to climate.” Another distinct challenge is the patience that might be required While work on Nature Positive is following the same to assess the impact of action. [...] It’s a big deal.” There is clear understanding of the risk that the depletion of And with this awareness of the impact on food security comes nature poses to the resilience of food companies. [...] – engaging the supply chain right through to the farmers And you can build a coalition of the willing within or fishers helps build a picture of the vulnerabilities and the business by understanding how nature links to the opportunities in your own system. [...] Another illustrated the point “There is a ‘No regrets’ actions, such as avoiding deforestation, willingness from farmers to make the transition, can be taken immediately, and several individuals but we need the whole playing field around the encouraged companies to focus on the intersection farmer to support them: the fertiliser industry, of nature and climate first: “Roadmaps for climate governme.
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